Were You Cited For Running A Red Light Based On A Camera Image?

A red-light camera ticket is normally a municipal offense, in which case it will not add points to your Florida driving record. However, failure to pay such a ticket may result in a driver’s license suspension. It is important to take care of the ticket in a timely manner or fight it with enough lead time to build a strong defense.

Your red light camera ticket may indicate that you owe $158 in fines for running a red light at an intersection. Should you pay it? Or fight the ticket? We invite you to take advantage of our offer of a free consultation at 305 Ticket Defense to discuss your situation and options with a member of our legal team. We have a reputation for communicating clearly with clients and getting results.

How Our 305 Ticket Defense Attorney Fights Red-Light Camera Tickets

Upon review of the facts of your case, our attorney may recommend that you pay your red-light camera ticket directly to the municipality that sent you the citation. On the other hand, our attorney may recommend that you fight the ticket to avoid having to pay the civil penalty. With well-documented evidence, a municipal court may clear the charges altogether. Key questions to investigate include the following:
  • Was another registered driver or someone you lent the vehicle to at the wheel when the camera caught the image? If we help you determine that someone else was driving at that time, we can file motions and affidavits stating that you, the driver who received the ticket, were not driving and were therefore not responsible.
  • Was the citation based on a poor-quality picture of your license plate?
  • Was the red light hidden by tree branches?
  • Was the traffic light defective?
Where there is a good defense, we can use it to persuade a municipal traffic court to clear your name.

Our Legal Team Is Here To Help

We have helped numerous Florida and out-of-state drivers through various defense tactics. Some have opted to pay the fine. Others have let us fight their tickets. We can help ensure that your record remains accurate if you choose to pay your fine. We will also explore all opportunities to pursue a case dismissal.

Every case is unique. Our lawyer and legal team are ready to help you select and pursue the best defense strategy for your case. Call 305-894-9754 or send an email inquiry.


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9:00 am – 5:30 pm

305 Ticket Defense

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3785 NW 82nd Avenue, Suite 403 Doral, FL 33166
